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double | wald_omit_F () |
double | wald_omit_chisq () |
int | add_test () |
int | add_test_full () |
int | omit_test () |
int | omit_test_full () |
int | nonlinearity_test () |
int | reset_test () |
int | autocorr_test () |
int | comfac_test () |
double | get_DW_pvalue_for_model () |
int | chow_test () |
int | chow_test_from_dummy () |
int | QLR_test () |
double | QLR_pval () |
int | cusum_test () |
int | panel_specification_test () |
int | panel_hausman_test () |
int | vif_test () |
int | bkw_test () |
int | leverage_test () |
int | add_leverage_values_to_dataset () |
void | print_add_omit_null () |
Included here are several tests for "pathologies" of the error term in regression models, as well as specification tests covering nonlinearity and the omission or addition of variables.
double wald_omit_F (const int *list
,MODEL *pmod
Simple form of Wald F-test for omission of variables. If list
is non-NULL, do the test for the omission of the variables in
from the model pmod
. Otherwise test for omission of
all variables in pmod
except for the constant.
double wald_omit_chisq (const int *list
,MODEL *pmod
Simple form of Wald chi-square for omission of variables. If list
is non-NULL, do the test for the omission of the variables in
from the model pmod
. Otherwise test for omission of
all variables in pmod
except for the constant.
int add_test (MODEL *pmod
,const int *addvars
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Performs an LM test on pmod
for the null hypothesis
that the addvars
variables do not contribute
significant explanatory power.
int add_test_full (MODEL *orig
,MODEL *pmod
,const int *addvars
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Re-estimate a given model after adding the specified variables, and records a joint test on the additional variables.
orig |
pointer to original model. |
pmod |
pointer to receive augmented model. |
addvars |
list of variables to add to original model. |
dset |
dataset struct. |
opt |
can contain OPT_Q (quiet) to suppress printing of the new model, OPT_O to print its covariance matrix, OPT_I for silent operation. |
prn |
gretl printing struct. |
int omit_test (MODEL *pmod
,const int *omitvars
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Performs a Wald test on pmod
for the null hypothesis
that the omitvars
variables do not contribute
explanatory power.
int omit_test_full (MODEL *orig
,MODEL *pmod
,const int *omitvars
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Re-estimate a given model after removing the variables
specified in omitvars
. Or if OPT_A is given, proceed
sequentially, at each step dropping the least significant
variable provided its p-value is above a certain threshold
(currently 0.10, two-sided).
orig |
pointer to original model. |
pmod |
pointer to receive new model, with vars omitted. |
omitvars |
list of variables to omit from original model. |
dset |
dataset struct. |
opt |
can contain OPT_Q (quiet) to suppress printing of the new model, OPT_O to print its covariance matrix, OPT_I for silent operation; for OPT_A, see below. |
prn |
gretl printing struct. |
int nonlinearity_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,ModelAuxCode aux
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Run an auxiliary regression to test pmod
for nonlinearity,
via the addition of either squares or logs of the original
indepdendent variables.
int reset_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Carries out and prints Ramsey's RESET test for model specification.
int autocorr_test (MODEL *pmod
,int order
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the given model for autocorrelation of order equal to
the specified value, or equal to the frequency of the data if
the supplied order
is zero.
int comfac_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
If pmod
was estimated via an AR(1) estimator, run an
auxiliary regression to test the implied common-factor
pmod |
pointer to original model. |
dset |
dataset struct. |
opt |
if contains |
prn |
gretl printing struct. |
double get_DW_pvalue_for_model (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,int *err
Computes the p-value for the Durbin-Watson statistic for the given model, using the Imhof method.
int chow_test (int splitobs
,MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the given model for structural stability (Chow test)
using the sample break-point given by splitobs
and prints the results to prn
. (The second portion of
the sample runs from observation splitobs
to the
end of the original sample range.)
int chow_test_from_dummy (int splitvar
,MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the given model for structural stability (Chow test),
using the dummy variable specified by splitvar
to divide the
original sample range of pmod
into two portions.
int QLR_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the given model for structural stability via the Quandt Likelihood Ratio test for a structural break at an unknown point in the sample range.
int cusum_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the given model for parameter stability via the CUSUM test,
or if opt
includes OPT_R
, via the CUSUMSQ test; OPT_Q
the test quiet; OPT_U
governs the associated plot, if wanted.
pmod |
pointer to model to be tested. |
dset |
dataset struct. |
opt |
if flags include |
prn |
gretl printing struct. |
int panel_specification_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the given pooled model for fixed and random effects.
int vif_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Calculates and displays the Variance Inflation Factors for the independent variables in the given model.
int bkw_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Calculates and displays the Belsley-Kuh-Welsch collinearity
diagnostics for pmod
int leverage_test (MODEL *pmod
,DATASET *dset
,gretlopt opt
,PRN *prn
Tests the data used in the given model for points with high leverage and influence on the estimates.
int add_leverage_values_to_dataset (DATASET *dset
,gretl_matrix *m
,gretlopt opt
,int flags
Adds to the working dataset one or more series calculated by the gretl test for leverage/influence of data points.
Symbolic names to keep track of auxiliary regression models, which are estimated either for the purpose of carrying out some sort of diagnostic test or which form part of a multi-equation system.
not an auxiliary regression |
nonlinearity test (squared terms) |
nonlinearity test (log terms) |
Chow test |
LM test regression for added variables |
autocorrelation test |
ARCH test |
heteroskedasticity (White's test) |
cointegration test |
Dickey-Fuller test |
augmented Dickey-Fuller test |
KPSS unit-root test |
unused |
Ramsey's RESET |
single equation from multivariate system |
single equation from VAR system |
single equation from VECM system |
Johansen cointegration test |
test for groupwise heteroskedasticity |
Pesaran-Taylor HET_1 test |
Breusch-Pagan heteroskedastcity test |
auxiliary regression not otherwise specified |
common factor test |
biprobit initializer |