Running gretlcli under PHP/Apache

This document explains, via a simple example, how to configure gretlcli (CVS source as of 2013-01-31) to play nicely as a "slave" to PHP under the Apache web server. It was tested on a Fedora 17 system with PHP 5.4.10 and Apache/2.2.22. The example basically consists of two PHP files, supporting this functionality:

Let's say that the set-up to call gretlcli is located in the directory /var/www/html/gretl. In our simple test case that directory contains these files:

-rw-r--r--   1 allin allin   310 Jan 30 22:07 gretl1.php
-rw-r--r--   1 allin allin   607 Jan 30 22:13 gretl2.php
-rw-r--r--   1 allin allin    81 Jan 30 22:13 gretl.conf
-rw-rw-r--   1 allin apache    0 Jan 30 22:14 gretltmp.inp

Note that gretltmp.inp, which will hold a gretl script, is writable by the apache group.

The file gretl1.php, the starting point for the user, has this content:

  <title>gretlcli test: start</title>
 <?php echo '<p>Hello from gretlcli</p>'; ?> 
 <form action="gretl2.php" method="post">
 <p>Your script:</p>
 <p><textarea rows="20" cols="60" name="code" wrap="physical"></textarea></p>
 <p><input type="submit" /></p>

That is, it just invites the user to type a gretl script, and on submit it calls gretl2.php, which looks like this:

  <title>gretlcli test: response</title>
  $code = htmlspecialchars($_POST['code']);
  echo '<p>Here is the script you typed:</p>';
  echo '<pre>';
  echo $code;
  echo '</pre>';
  $infile = '/var/www/html/gretl/gretltmp.inp';
  file_put_contents($infile, $code); 
  echo '<p>And here is the output:</p>';
  $out = array();
  exec("/usr/bin/gretlcli -b $infile 2>&1", $out);
  echo '<pre>';
  echo '  ';
  foreach ($out as $line) {
    echo $line;
    echo '
  echo '</pre>';

Note the use of the environment variable GRETL_CONFIG_FILE. This is new in CVS. Its effect is to bypass the usual gretlcli start-up procedure, which references the $HOME environment variable. Instead the program is directed to read its configuration from a specified file, in this case /var/www/html/gretl/gretl.conf. Note that the lines starting with $infile and putenv will have to be adjusted if you are using a location other than /var/www/html/gretl. In addition the exec line will have to to be amended if gretlcli is not installed in /usr/bin.

The config file referenced above is quite simple:

# content of /var/www/html/gretl/gretl.conf
gretldir = /usr/share/gretl/
userdir = /var/www/html/gretl/
no_dotdir = true

Here's what's going on:

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University