Stefano Fachin, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", February 2021
Creating a function package is, believe it or not, much easier and more useful than you might think. Useful because sharing code, even if naive and inefficient, can save other people lots of time and effort. Easier because the process only requires grasping some fundamental steps, which we shall illustrate in this "Guide for Dummies". Of course, everything we shall say is explained more accurately and in more depth in the Gretl Function Package Guide (hereinafter simply the Guide), to which we refer for any doubt. The Guide can be found under gretl's Help menu, or on sourceforge.
As explained at the beginning of the Guide, a "function package" is simply a file which "packages", hence the name, four different objects:
the hansl code for the function (actually, there can be more than one, but we shall stick to the basic case of a single function);
information on author, version, date, etc. (the "metadata" of the package);
some help text explaining what the function does; and
a sample script that illustrates its use.
The extension for files of this type is gfn; therefore, I will use "function package" and "gfn file" as synonyms.
Suppose you have written a function for your own needs and decide to share it on gretl's server. Since the metadata items (piece 2) are simple and will be inserted easily in due course, the only actual extra work you have to do is to write pieces (3) and (4), the help text and sample script, and assemble the four pieces.
Following the example in the Guide, suppose that you have written a function, say pc, which computes the series of percentage changes from a given series. You'll make this function available via a function package whose name will be pcchange. The function is:
function series pc(series y "Series to process") series ret = 100 * diff(y)/y(-1) return ret end function
You now need the Help text and the Sample script.
Help text: not much to be said, just explain what the different inputs are and what output will be obtained. A plain text file with lines around 70 characters wide, nice to be read in a small window, will do. Here something like this will suffice:
This function computes the percentage changes of a given series. inputs: x, a series output: the percentage change of x, a series
Sample script: this requires some details. Quoting from the Guide, in the first line of the script write
include pcchange.gfn
This will ensure that your packaged pc function is available in the rest of the script. Then open a dataset. The simplest choice is to use one of those supplied with gretl. For instance, to open Søren Johansen's Danish macroeconomic data write:
open denmark.gdt
Then write a couple of lines which run your function and use its output (possibly, with a few explanatory comments). Therefore, the sample script which computes and prints the percentage change of the variable LRM included in the Johansen dataset will look something like this:
include pcchange.gfn open denmark.gdt # open Johansen's dataset series pcLRM = pc(LRM) # compute percentage change for LRM print LRM pcLRM --byobs
We now have all the pieces. We just need to put them together in the gfn file.
To put everything together into a gfn file, the GUI offers an handy tool, but there is a catch: it works only on functions already loaded in gretl's workspace. Don't worry, this simply means that before using the tool you have to run the function: since you probably used gretl's script editor to write the function in the first place, running that as a script (by clicking on the "gears" icon) will do.
Once this is done, all you have to do is open the File > Function packages > New package menu item from the gretl main window. A box with a familiar look, very similar to the one offered to select the variables for a regression, will appear (Fig. 1). Select the pc function for packaging (blue background in Fig. 1) and move it in the area "Public functions" on the right using the green arrow. Then just fill in the box on the top with package name (pcchange in this case) and hit OK. In case you are curious: "Helper functions" are those used in the background by public functions (that is, they are included in packages but are not visible to users). In our simple example there are no such functions. |
A window for entering the metadata should now appear (Fig. 2). Here you type your name, e-mail address and a one-line description of the package. If you plan to publish your package (see below), it is preferable to use an e-mail address that you check frequently, because that is what the gretl administrators would use to contact you if there was any problem with your package, not to mention package users who may need to ask for your assistance. In this window, you also choose one or two tags (here we choose "General" and "Univariate Time-Series Models", somehow restrictive but certainly relevant) and, if relevant, the type of data required for the function (here time series). Since your function can work with any version of gretl, simply accept the "Minimum gretl version" of 2011a offered by the system. |
You now need only two more steps: inserting the Help text and the Sample script. The area for the Help text is on the right of the window, near the bottom. If you created a PDF file you can upload it by clicking on the "PDF file" option, otherwise select the "plain text" option and click on "Edit". This opens an editor window in which you type your text. When you are done save and exit (Fig. 3). |
The next step is creating the sample script. In the last line click on "Edit sample script". This will open a script editor window in which the first line is preset to include the newly created package. Insert the rest of your code, save and exit (Fig. 4). |
You are almost done. An additional, not strictly necessary, step is related to a cute gretl functionality: function packages can be attached to the native gretl menus of the GUI (in other words, your package may sit next to those found out-of-the-box when installing gretl: isn't that cool?). For that purpose, you will need to set a few parameters. To do so, click on the button "Extra properties" at the bottom (Fig. 5).
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Figure 5: Selecting the "Extra properties" item |
This will open a box with various tabs (Fig. 6). Select the second from the left, "Menu attachment". There you find a few options to choose, for instance whether you wish the menu-item for your function to appear in the main window or in a secondary, model window. Here the obvious choice is "main window", while "model window" would have been a more appropriate choice for a function computing, say, model residual diagnostics. You can also type some Help text for the GUI. All details are explained in the Help (button on the bottom left in Fig. 6). When you have finished, click "Apply" and then "Close". This leads you back to main packager window (the one in Fig. 5). Click on "Save" and choose the option "gfn file" You can either let gretl choose where to save it or pick your own location, but the safest option is to let gretl choose for you. (See Fig. 7 below.) |
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Figure 7: Saving the package as a gfn file |
To check that everything is OK now click on "Validate". If you see something like Fig. 8, then your package is working properly. Good job!
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Figure 8: Validation message |
At this point, your function happily sits on your computer with "package" status. Since it deserves to be distributed, let's move to the publishing step.
The first thing you need is a gretl ID: if you don't have one already, open the address in your browser and apply for a ID.
Once you have an ID, go to "File > Function packages > Upload package" in the gretl main-window menu and select your package (See Figs 9 and 10).
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Figure 9: Selecting a package for upload, step 1 |
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Figure 10: Selecting a package for upload, step 2 |
Once you have selected your package you will be asked for your login information (Fig. 11), and can perform the upload. Now you have simply to wait for the administrators to check your submission. Congratulations!
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Figure 11: Logging in to upload a package |